I've been laughing too much at the HDB hub where we had our rehearsals for tomorrow's performance (as in not ON stage of course!). I SHALL SET A GOOD EXAMPLE AND BE SERIOUS TOMORROW!
by doing this: "look at him, look at him look at him" *and snaps fingers at the same time* ROFLOL at that marcus action k it was amusingly gay O:
But still 1000 times LESS gay than that supergay (as in he's REALLY gay kind of gay) person arranging our positions and stuff. His voice is so gentle and lady-life. When I mean gentle I really mean gentle okay. "yes, i know you guys are tired" was classic. I shouldn't be laughing at it but I can't help it! D:
Its perhaps a known fact that I'm rather blur, I looked at the wrong marking on the floor o.O
That was downright embarrassing!
One more thing, my heels are KILLING me. My court shoes apparently didn't fit me anymore, thus my black heels, which make my feet numb. -__-
There wasn't enough Sops today, so we were pretty soft and the HDBhub performance rehearsals wasn't good at all =/ I'm sure it'd be better with more warm-ups and louder singers, I seriously have no idea on how to make myself sound louder. Did prayer of sanfrancis, Salmo, Shepherdess, Meplalian. Singing Meplalian brings back good memories of our SYF day. I can't forget the kind of happiness there was in me then. Right, that was some digression.
Hopefully it'd be a better day for us tomorrow, it wouldn't be nice to screw up in front of loyal workers of the HDB who's been at the job for a decade or more!
Peixuan yingjun and I had fun throwing Qianyu's shoe around when we were off stage :D Pam was being as lame as usual (haha). Sat with Piying in the bus on our way there, talking about BeiJing and all those. I STILL MISS BEIJING ALOT! O:
Yingjun and I did something (Y) on our way back to school! PEIXUAN POWER YO! :D

peixuan don't kill me! D:
i'll take them down if you want to!
Yingjun's phone, peixuan's phone, my phone, HAHAHA
Here's the wonderful auditorium with its horribly comfortable seats.! (oxymorons=best!)
The thing ended at 3+, went back to school to get changed and get our stuff!
I've decided that Yingjun is a Dumbo, Qianyu is a dumby and px's a dumbass :D
okay that's random, they're reverting to their normal names after today~
sorry that I dragged carol to the RnE stall, really. D: that's the only thing i can say, sorry to carol. I'm really sorry D: I won't drag you around nexttime ):
Qianyu and I got cokefloats and the councillor probably thought i was insane. whatever.
Walked home with Peixuannn and Qianyu and we talked about the same topic throughout! aren't we amazing? O: MRT POWER OKAY! px and qy the two extraded ones didnt' alight at tampines :D
I left class at 12 with chia and the rest of the choir members, Yelaoshi was being SUPER NICE today and told us about the experiences he had in beijing, like how horrible china hospitals are and how they saw some sort of commotion, where a person got hit on the head with a glass bottle by alcoholics! Many of the students fell sick and had to be admitted to the hospital, and 8 other teachers caught the virus too!
He gave us keychains from BJ, so i took jingjing of course! Jingjing's the CUTEST.
YElaoshi also told us about his encounter with a mama san in beijing! apparently he was walking around wangfujing, standing outside macs. Suddenly, a mama san approached him, asking if he wanted to do anything nice HAHA. He told her he was married, but she still insisted and told him that they were going to just have fun for a night, so it doesn't matter ROFL.
yelaoshi walked away but she followed him, in the end, he gave her the magical statement:
"wo shi lao shi" (translated as "i'm a teacher"), she immediately ran away k! "dou shi lao shi zui guan3 yong4" right lol, mama sans are afraid of teachers! O:
The choirmemebers didn't stand up while the comm members + mrtan did the WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER dance up on the steps during morning assmebly, cause we didn't have the time D: MRtan is so cute :D
Cai made a person in my class stand up today for idk what reason, he refused to but after a lonnnngtime, he had no choice but to do so since cai keep repeating "ni gei wo zhan4 qi3 lai2!" -__- mscheong is even dumber though.
Seems like I've missed quite alot today after I've left, my trigo is screwed.
CHEMTEST tmr i better start studying!
17 march
anon: i think you should move back haha i dont really like your new blog -.-
{haha yes anon i feel like moving back already, don't have motivation to post over there D:}
{HELLO RACHEL! did you guys come to school today?

{HAHAHA i searched google and POTA is prevention of TERRORIST attacks! hahahaha, POTO JUNO YAY!FRIDAY OKAY! :D:D:D BRING FOOOOD!}
anon: haha yes you should !

{yeah i think i'm back! :D:D:D:D}
isabel: oh HAH right. like you dont feel embarassed. come on.
isabel: you have your wonderful solo to do on stage! hope you dont freak out then.
{NOOO NOBODY IS SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT IT! D: haha you all did great!}
Tracy: You didn't do my meme )"
{replied on your LJ! i'm definitely doing it, JIAYOU TRACCC!}
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